The President’s Page



Welcome!  As many Senators might remember, any leadership position is one of dignity and responsibility.  I hope to fulfill my year as the 58th President of the Illinois JCI Senate with the dignity and responsibility the position requires.

My theme for this year is “A Light Unto The World”!  When we were Jaycees, each of us gained knowledge and experience thru projects and chapter leadership roles.  Some of us went on to further leadership roles at the state level and a few even at national level.  That was the foundation to becoming a Senator in the first place.  My goal this year is to facilitate the exchange of that earned knowledge and experience from members of the Senate to local Jaycee chapters and communities.  From the sharing of past projects to mentoring local chapter leaders, we can use what we learned to help shine a light on the many problems of today!

I have a wonderful team this year to help serve the Illinois JCI Senate.  Each of them is a Light in their own right.  My team of Light consists of Administrative Vice-President Susie Colbert-Curtis #73137, Management Vice-President Chris Rick #78247, Treasurer Roxy Hollenstine #78247, Secretary Karen Helms #57838 and Chairman of the Board Mary Ann Hilleary #64615.  Let them become a Light for you!

Judson DeVore #65005

Illinois JCI Senate 58th President