First & foremost, it’s an honor and a privilege to serve the Illinois JCI Senate as your 57th President. I will try to fulfill that honor to the best of my ability.
If you know me at all, you know I collect turtles (not real ones) and have a family nickname to go along with the speed of a turtle. So, my theme is “Slowly Enjoying the Senate Journey” and of course I have a turtle with a Lincoln hat as my logo. Since I am still walking with a cane and moving slowly, it seemed appropriate.
My team of Administrative Vice-President Susie Colbert-Curtis #73137, Management Vice-President Judson DeVore #65005, Treasurer Roxy Hollenstine #78247, Secretary Chris Rick #78649 and Chairman of the Board Bill Patterson #47979 and I are here to serve you, the Illinois JCI Senate. Let’s start our journey…..
MaryAnn Hilleary #64615
Illinois JCI Senate 57th President